Maybe All Will See

First off, my ex-roomie is made of awesomeness. Just putting that out there. Since people are already aware. She’s had a pretty rough week, and I don’t envy her. 😉

Work’s been good. Busy, but good. This week coming up’s going to be fun. Over the next nine days, I work three days, I’m off one day, work three days, off two days. Kindof awesome.

So I’m thinking a few more days, and this Part 1 nonsense will be behind me. Written, at least. Still needs quite a bit of editing to get all the pieces to work together. I’ve got all my relevant scenes written down on Post Its, hung up on the wall of my office, and I’ve been staring at them every so often.

Writing this book is very comforting, because I know all the characters already. But at the same time it’s still surprising, because they’re growing and changing. And you can see that. And I’m loving the developments that are coming from the Big Scene I’ve been bouncing around on.

See, I haven’t actually written the scene in order. And I normally don’t do that. I don’t skip around. But specific encounters are coming up, and it’s distracting me with new shinies. So I go where I need to go. And some of the stuff that’s come up has made me giddy. It’s kindof sad.

1 thought on “Maybe All Will See

  1. I think there is something to be said for writing out of order. It’s not something I do…ever. Or ever have done…but I’m starting to see the value in it. Of course, I’m starting to see the value in all kinds of things I never really got before, especially where writing and creativity are involved.

    Also, I am quite about your new goodies. <3 You know I'm a hopeless fangirl.

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